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The Capital Hotel Group

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The Capital Empire

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The Capital On The Park

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The Capital Melrose

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The Capital On Bath

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The Capital Menlyn Maine

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The Capital Trilogy

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The Capital Mbombela

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Cape Town

The Capital 15 on Orange

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The Capital Mirage

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The Capital Pearls

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The Capital Zimbali

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Our family gets up to 20% Off

We’re not kidding. With us family comes first. Always.
We’re so serious about it that if you find a better rate anywhere else online,
not only will we match the price, we’ll also give you a free night on us.

Our family gets up to 20% Off

We’re not kidding. With us family comes first. Always. We’re so serious about it that if you find a better rate anywhere else online, not only will we match the price, we’ll also give you a free night on us.

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